Game Title: PuzzleCube PuzzleCube is a uniquely challenging puzzle game that tests players' spatial reasoning and strategic planning skills. At the heart of the game is a complex cube composed of various irregularly shaped smaller cubes. Each piece is unique, and players aim to smartly maneuver and remove these pieces to reveal a specially colored cube at the core. Features Unique Cube Designs : Each cube piece has a distinct shape and size, requiring careful thought to remove in as few moves as possible . Strategic Challenges : Not all pieces can be removed straightforwardly, some are blocked by others. Players must strategically decide the order of removal. Increasing Difficulty : As players progress, the puzzles become more complex, demanding improved problem-solving skills (level 1--level 6). Visual and Sound Effects : With meticulously designed visuals and engaging sound effects, the game offers an immersive and enjoyable experience. Minimum Move Challenges : The game trac...